Every kid dreams of playing like Lionel Messi. Now they can learn how within 7 days.
Are you ready to give them the easy skills?
Day 1-2: Lay the groundwork to move like Messi
On days 1 and 2, your child will learn the foundational movement patterns to move like Messi. These are certainly not flashy, but they are the keys to final moves that will win them more 1v1 battles in big games!

Days 3-5: Build upon the foundation
On days 3-5, your child will build skillsets on top of the movement patterns they learned from days 1 and 2. These will challenge your child, but not overwhlem them. Keep them training until they can do the skill and show pride in their accomplishment.

Days 6-7: Review, Master, and Gamify it
On day 6 you will revisit all of the skillsets you learned, and begin mastering them at faster speeds and consistency. On day 7 your child can put their new skill set to the test against a friend, a sibling, or you the parent (that's always fun)!